FAQs for Couples
Welcome to CaptureOurWedding.com's frequently asked questions page, here you will find information about the site and how it works plus help navigating your way through the site, If you can't find the answer you're looking for don't panic! Just use our live chat tab on the bottom right of your screen or the leave a message tab if all our agents are busy, alternatively you can head over to our Contact Page to get in touch with our team directly who are always happy to help!

How Does The Site Work For Couples?
CaptureOurWedding.com is a brand new concept and platform for booking your photography and videography online. All you need to do is sign up via email or facebook using the Sign Up tab at the top right of any page. This will take you to your dashboard where you can add all the details about your wedding day to your couple profile but don't worry if you're not there yet and have just started your planning, this section is a good place to add information so that your chosen supplier can keep an eye on where your at with your plans. You can edit and update your profile at any time and you can use your dashboard to keep track of every supplier you have messaged, see all those messages in one place and keep track of any bookings or payments you have made via the site. Not only can you message suppliers but you can also arrange to Skype or Facetime to get to know them a little better. Our messaging service sends SMS notifications to a supplier immediately, provided they have accepted to receive such notifications.

Are All The Suppliers Verified?
All of our suppliers on CaptureOurWedding.com have to be ID verified to receive any payment from a couple via the site. We do this by asking all suppliers to upload their passport or driving license on our payment gateway STRIPE, this means that they are set up to receive payment via the site and that any payment you make as a couple is secure and is backed by genuine identification, meaning the supplier you book is always a 100% REAL human being . We monitor all accounts and activity on the site to make sure all our suppliers are genuine and active and the data they are displaying is to their knowledge 100% accurate.

How Does The Booking Process Work?
See the bright yellow tab on the right of any supplier profile? Well, once you have picked your chosen supplier all you then need to do is click on that tab, select your package option, the date you want to secure their service for and click BOOK NOW! Once this has been done the supplier will receive an SMS message letting them know you'd like to book them. You will receive an SMS notification letting you know your booking request has been accepted or declined. If it has been accepted all you need to do is log in to your dashboard and pay the deposit required to secure your date.

How Do I Make A Payment?
Whether it's your deposit amount or the remaining balance of your chosen service, it couldn't be easier to make a payment. All you need is your credit or debit card and to follow the on screen instructions to complete a payment. You may have to wait a few seconds for verification but once a payment is made you will have a unique payment reference on your dashboard page along with an email record of your payment and to make it even more simple a payment bar to let you know how much you have paid and what amount is outstanding.

Is My Payment Secure?
100% secure! We use the best and most secure payment gateway STRIPE which is owned by PayPal, you may not quite have heard of these guys yet but they are the leading force of integrated online payment systems and handle billions of transactions worldwide. You can find out more about the company here:https://stripe.com/gb.
We also have an SSL Certificate, SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organisation’'s details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser. Typically, SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, data transfer and logins, and more recently is becoming the norm when securing browsing of social media sites.

How Do I Check Availability?
To check to see if your wedding date is free with a supplier you have your eye on just go to any of their packages and hit the availability button, This will take you directly to their calendar and here you can see all the dates a supplier is available and unavailable. Alternatively click the BOOK NOW box on the left hand side of their profile, If you are able to select a date box with no pop up, this usually means a supplier has the date free however you can also send a supplier a message to hear it straight from the horse's mouth! If you are unable to select a date this means a supplier already has a booking or is unavailable on this date.
FAQs for Suppliers
How Does The Site Work?
CaptureOurWedding.com is a brand new online platform designed by suppliers of Wedding Videography and Photography to make your life as a supplier as simple as possible. With your state of the art dashboard you can see all of your bookings and communications with a couple in one place, no more scrolling through your emails to find details!
It also provides peace of mind for your customers. Your profile will have all the information a couple needs to decide if you provide the service they are looking for. Plus they can contact you directly via our custom built direct messaging service or request a Skype or Facetime call from you to add that personal face to face bond that couples love!
With our secure STRIPE payment gateway couples can book a supplier and make payments hassle free, both the couple and the supplier can see every transaction made on their dashboard.
How Do I Become A Supplier?
Becoming a supplier is easy! Just click on the become a supplier tab at the top of the site or Click Here to be taken directly to our supplier sign up page. Then all you need to do is enter a few details about yourself and you will be taken to your supplier dashboard. From there you can complete your profile by adding images or videos to your portfolio, reviews from your happy customers, your brochure, FAQ's and your all important packages!
How Does The Booking Process Work?
Booking through the site couldn't be more simple, couples can browse suppliers by their location and budget to find their perfect supplier. Once they have found 'the one' they will be asked to set up their profile and once they are an official CaptureOurWedding.com couple they can click BOOK NOW on their supplier package of choice.
You as a supplier will be notified by email and text that a couple wants to book your service, then its up to you to accept or decline a booking. If you accept the couple will also be notified by email and text to make their deposit payment, you will be able to see every payment transaction sent to you and will have a payment bar letting you know how much that couple has left to pay.
Why Do You Need My Sort Code & Account Number?
At CaptureOurWedding.com we have put every possible step in place to make sure couples don't get stung by fraudulent suppliers. We also want to make sure that payment is quick and easy for couples and receipt of payment is just as quick for suppliers, we do not hold any money or payment details at CaptureOurWedding.com these go directly to our payment gateway Stripe so that you can get paid. Payouts via stripe are weekly and take 3 working days to be processed.
What's The Catch?
There's no catch! Its completely FREE to sign up and create your beautiful profile, CaptureOurWedding.com take a small 1.5% fee of your package price only when you receive a 100% guaranteed booking through the site. For more information on pricing and use of our service head over to our Terms & Conditions page for more information.
What If I Offer Extras In My Service?
You have the option to add up to 8 Packages to your profile, If you offer extras for travel or you provide photo albums to your couples you can add this price onto one of your lovely packages.
What If I Don't Accept A Payment In Full Until After The Wedding?
CaptureOurWedding.com is another marketing tool for your business, we actively market our site to engaged couples to generate bookings for you through the site. We spent a lot of time prior to the creation of the site doing our research and most of the suppliers we surveyed said that they took payments in full before the wedding which is why we chose this method for the site.
When Do We Take Your 1.5% Fee?
Our 1.5% fee is taken from your initial deposit payment made by couples, the rest of your payments will go directly to you!
How Often Will I Receive Payments?
Once your deposit payment has been made by a couple they have the option to pay in flexible instalments, we suggest minimum payments of £100 per transaction to couples and you set the final payment date in your payment terms which can be 2, 4 or 6 weeks before the wedding day. If you wish to receive monthly payments or have specific payment requests be sure to add it to your FAQ's section on the site so that your couples know your preferred payment schedule.
Can I Pay Extra To Be Featured Higher On The Search Listing?
We have tried our very best to make the site as fair as possible for suppliers, you will show in order of distance from a couple so that everyone on the site is on a level playing field. The better looking and more in detail your profile is the more likely it will be that you receive a booking through the site!