Article Published 05/10/2023
6 Simple Poses For Your Wedding Photography
Many couples can often dread the thought of wedding photographs on their big day, smiling on the spot with someone pointing a camera at you can feel a little daunting, but rest assure there is nothing to worry about at all!
Have you ever thought of considering an engagement shoot before your big day?
This is a great way for you to meet your photographer beforehand, to be introduced and to also discuss the kind of photographs/poses that you may specifically want on the day of your wedding. Be sure when browsing for your wedding photographer that you have done your research and if they do also offer any packages that may include a engagement shoot, bear in mind this will be at an additional cost however I believe it is a great idea to get comfortable infront of the camera. I have personally been on many engagement shoots where (usually the guys, sorry!) do become very shy and feel slightly out of their comfort zone especially at the beginning. Once a few snaps are done and conversation is flowing between myself, my colleague and the couple, we always get a good turn around at the end quoting 'that wasnt bad at all, i was dreading it!'. Your photographer is there to help you, guide you and make you try to feel as comfortable as possible whilst capturing those gorgeous shots.
The other option you have is to consider practising your poses in the comfort of your own home, it may sound silly but it is a great way of getting you use to being infront of the camera. That's why I'm going to suggest 6 simple poses that you may want to incorporate or follow on the the day of the wedding, they are super easy and super simple!
1. 'The Look'- One of the easiest poses that you can do during your couple portraits is a simple look.. at each other! Make sure you're making eye contact with your partner and really look deep into their soul.. ha!
By doing this, your photographer is able to capture those genuine expressions that make your photos feel more natural- looking directly at each other may also make you both giggle, which can also capture the most gorgeous natural shots too!
2. 'The Eskimo Kiss'- Moving onto the next pose, which is adorable, The Eskimo Kiss! This pose will make your photo look more intimate without having to spend all of your time smooching. All you need to do is to press your noses gently together and BOOM!. . You've nailed it!
3. 'The Celebration'- Walking out of your ceremony, walking through your confetti, walking into your wedding breakfast and reception, this pose just works! Throw your arms in the air together for that perfect celebratory shot & if you have a bouquet, get that in the air too! Big Smiles and expressions will make this pose turn into a beautiful shot.
4. 'The Laugh'- This is probably my favourite pose as it requires no effort and captures a great shot to express the joy of your day. All you have to try and do is make each other laugh, it's as simple as that! Hey, if you want to add in a few fart noises or talk about funny stories or dirty jokes, do what you need to do or say to make sure to have this gorgeous shot captured effortlessly.
5. 'The Smooch'- You don't have to be kissing ALL the way through your couple portraits however it certainly makes for a loving and romatic shot to mix it up throughout. Kiss each other softly, like your grandma is watching, avoid raunchy shots and also no tongues people!
6. 'The Walk'- Walk together slowly hand in hand around the most aesthetically pleasure locations in your venue. Keep those heads up high, smile and talk to each other about finally getting a moment to yourselves, it may be the only time on your day that you do get alone together!
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Written by
Zenouska Miller, Client Liaison Manager