Tips To Reduce Anxiety On Your Wedding Morning
Article Published 21/04/2023
It's the morning of your wedding day- there is going to be a whole lot of emotions going on and you're not even thinking about the moment of walking down the aisle yet. It's easy to become overwhelmed but don't worry, this is completely normal.
Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your wedding morning to make it as chilled out, relaxing and as fun as possible.
1. WAKE UP RIGHT/ ALLOW SELF CARE TIME- Grab yourself an ice cold glass of water, herbal tea, coffee or whatever beverage you like to help you wake up and start the day right. Run yourself a bath or shower-BE EXTRA- light a few candles, pull out those essential oils/ lotions and potions to give your relaxation time a more chilled, soothing atmosphere. Why not put on your best feel good playlist in the background to help relax you and get you in a positive mindset for your wedding day. If you're feeling a little too anxious, why not consider downloading apps like MIND or CALM to help with deep breathing techniques for positive mindfullness on your wedding morning- even if you want to put on your favourite death metal playlist- listen to whatever you want to put you in a feel good mood- It's your wedding day- It's all about YOU!
2. CONSIDER HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS- If you feel like you need a little help with stress and anxiety, supplements like Kalms tablets contain extracts of valerian and hops which are used to relief symptoms of restlessness, stress and anxiety. When considering taking any supplements, consult with your GP or pharmacist beforehand to ensure that they are the right supplement for you to take safely without any adverse side effects. If supplements are not for you, why not consider a roll on lavender scent to place on your wrists and temples. Lavender is renowned for its ability to create a relaxing atmosphere. One of the main benefits of lavender is that it can reduce anxiety by affecting the body’s fight-or-flight response.
3. DONT FORGET TO EAT- All the excitement of the day ahead may not give you much of an appetite however even a little something in the morning to line your stomach will set you up right for the day. Why not consider something light like a fruitbowl with natural yogurt. Avoid stodgy greasy foods as they may make you feel a little bloated and sluggish.
4. PREPARATION- Consider hanging up your dress/suit with all accessories for when its time to get yourself ready. If you have bridemaids or groomsmen getting ready with you, consider doing this for their garments too. Why not dedicate a trust worthy friend to do this for you, if this would make you feel more relaxed. The benefit of this as a bride is that all of your wedding day attire is ready to slip into after hair and make up is complete whilst also avoiding being disturbed by your wedding photographer for those momerable shots of the day.
5. STICK TO TIMINGS-Time your hair and makeup trials when you do them, so you know how long they'll take on the morning. Make sure to have arrangements in place with your stylists to ensure who is going first,second etc. Be mindful if your stylists have new products with them that have not been used on the trials to eliminate the chances of any reactions to any new products!
6. TIME TO TOAST- After you and your inner circle are all dressed, suited and booted, ready to GO, make time to have a cheeky toast between you all to celebrate YOUR big day.
7. ALLOW TRAVEL TIME- Give yourself a little head start to ensure that you arrive to your venue on time to ensure the rest of your wedding day runs smoothly. Traffic is unpredictable so avoid this risk at all costs by just allowing a little extra time.
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Tips for reducing anxiety on your wedding morning
It's the morning of your wedding day- there is going to be a whole lot of emotions going on and you're not even thinking about the moment of walking down the aisle yet. It's easy to become overwhelmed but don't worry, this is completely normal.
Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your wedding morning to make it as chilled out, relaxing and as fun as possible.
1. WAKE UP RIGHT/ ALLOW SELF CARE TIME- Grab yourself an ice cold glass of water, herbal tea, coffee or whatever beverage you like to help you wake up and start the day right. Run yourself a bath or shower-BE EXTRA- light a few candles, pull out those essential oils/ lotions and potions to give your relaxation time a more chilled, soothing atmosphere. Why not put on your best feel good playlist in the background to help relax you and get you in a positive mindset for your wedding day. If you're feeling a little too anxious, why not consider downloading apps like MIND or CALM to help with deep breathing techniques for positive mindfullness on your wedding morning- even if you want to put on your favourite death metal playlist- listen to whatever you want to put you in a feel good mood- It's your wedding day- It's all about YOU!
2. CONSIDER HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS- If you feel like you need a little help with stress and anxiety, supplements like Kalms tablets contain extracts of valerian and hops which are used to relief symptoms of restlessness, stress and anxiety. When considering taking any supplements, consult with your GP or pharmacist beforehand to ensure that they are the right supplement for you to take safely without any adverse side effects. If supplements are not for you, why not consider a roll on lavender scent to place on your wrists and temples. Lavender is renowned for its ability to create a relaxing atmosphere. One of the main benefits of lavender is that it can reduce anxiety by affecting the body’s fight-or-flight response.
3. DONT FORGET TO EAT- All the excitement of the day ahead may not give you much of an appetite however even a little something in the morning to line your stomach will set you up right for the day. Why not consider something light like a fruitbowl with natural yogurt. Avoid stodgy greasy foods as they may make you feel a little bloated and sluggish.
4. PREPARATION- Consider hanging up your dress/suit with all accessories for when its time to get yourself ready. If you have bridemaids or groomsmen getting ready with you, consider doing this for their garments too. Why not dedicate a trust worthy friend to do this for you, if this would make you feel more relaxed. The benefit of this as a bride is that all of your wedding day attire is ready to slip into after hair and make up is complete whilst also avoiding being disturbed by your wedding photographer for those momerable shots of the day.
5. STICK TO TIMINGS-Time your hair and makeup trials when you do them, so you know how long they'll take on the morning. Make sure to have arrangements in place with your stylists to ensure who is going first,second etc. Be mindful if your stylists have new products with them that have not been used on the trials to eliminate the chances of any reactions to any new products!
6. TIME TO TOAST- After you and your inner circle are all dressed, suited and booted, ready to GO, make time to have a cheeky toast between you all to celebrate YOUR big day.
7. ALLOW TRAVEL TIME- Give yourself a little head start to ensure that you arrive to your venue on time to ensure the rest of your wedding day runs smoothly. Traffic is unpredictable so avoid this risk at all costs by just allowing a little extra time.
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