THE YEAH YEAH YEAHS - Alternative First Dance Song
Article Published 11/02/2020
As wedding photographers we attend a lot of weddings and hear a lot of first dances! There are the usual ones such as Ed Sheeran and John Legend. However I know couples sometimes struggle to pick a first dance so I am going to post a few blogs with different song ideas for you to listen to and see if they take your fancy.
My third choice……Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Wedding Song
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are a very very cool band from New York…. They have a few huge hits such as ‘Heads Will Roll’ and ‘Maps’ This is a lesser know song but is absolutely beautiful for a first dance!
With every breath I breathe
I'm making history
With your name on my lips
The ages fall to bits
In flames I sleep soundly
With angels around me
I lay at your feet
You're the breath that I breathe
Some kind of violent bliss
Led me to love like this
One thousand deaths my dear
I'd die without you here
In flames I sleep soundly
With angels around me
I lay at your feet
You're the breath that I breathe
You're the breath that I breathe
The breath that I breathe
Breath that I breathe
You're the breath that I breathe