Article Published 24/04/2023
How to say NO to wedding guests
Everyone knows that weddings are a magical day to celebrate the love between two people and to also celebrate two families coming together. When it comes to preparation and planning, invitations to the wedding must be a stressful time for the couple to decide who attends their day to celebrate with them.
Let us not forget that sometimes it is not possible to invite every Tom,Dick & Harry to your wedding. There could be a number of reasons why a couple may decide to reduce their numbers when it comes to guests. For example, the couples budget may not exceed a certain number of guests, there could a restriction of the capacity of guests within your chosen venue, the list goes on..
Here are a few tips for you to check out. Remember, do not feel bad about this situation, this is
YOUR day. Although you may feel like you are letting people down, there is only so much that a couple can do to accomodate guests on the day.
TIP FOR NOT INVITING GUESTS TO CEREMONYConsider writing in your invitations a simple yet polite note stating that not everyone will be in attendance at your wedding ceremony, for example 'Our wedding ceremony will be small and intimate with close family & friends in attendance only- Thank you for understanding, however we would love for you to celebrate with us on our evening reception'.
TIP FOR NOT INVITING GUESTS AT ALLWhy not consider posting a polite message to your social media if you feel like would be a better way of branching out to guests that will not be invited- 'Whilst we would both love to cater for everyone, unfortuantely our budget is resticted therefore, we will only be inviting our most nearest and dearest- we hope you understand and we will hope to celebrate with everyone at another time'. The best thing that you can do is to be honest, if additional wedding guests is just not doable for financial reasons, just state that it is not feasible to cater for everyone. If your venue is restricted, again mension that this is the case. If posting on social media isnt your thing, why not send a text message or even a letter if you feel like this is more personable.
TIP FOR NOT INVITING CHILDRENIf you wish to have a child free reception or ceremony, the best way to get this across is by clearly stating that children are not invited. Again, this could be due to venue restrictions or simply because you want an adult only evening or ceremony. 'We have decided to have a child free wedding day therefore we kindly ask if you can arrange for child care for the day if possible'. If you simply wish to have immediate family with children only, again polietly explain this.
TIP FOR NOT INVITING WORK COLLEAGUESIf capacity does not allow or you are considering a more intimate wedding day, why not arrange a work colleague group chat to explain that unfortunately work colleagues are not invited. 'We have decided to have close intimate ceremony, therefore we have decided to not invite colleagues however we would love to celebrate with you all at a different time'.
I appreciate conversations like this are going to feel a little awkward and can be disheartening but again, you can only do so much and you cannot please everyone out there.
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Written by
Zenouska Miller, Client Liaison Manager